Friday, 12 January 2018

P.S. to the previous post

My baby sister and I share an interest in the esoteric and arcane.  We share and exchange information, and to that end, she passed along a copy of The Key , by a fellow named Whitley Strieber.  It is an interesting and thought-provoking work.  And like most things interesting and thought-provoking, it got me thinking.  I thought about bits and pieces of different ideas I didn’t quite understand, and I had this astounding insight: everything is some form of energy, and the brain works by electromagnetic energy, so brain energy must be what people refer to as the soul.
The more I thought about, the more sense it made.  I had come up with a really good idea.  It made me feel good, like this old-age wisdom thing is finally kicking in.  I responded to my sister in the form of a book review, where I expounded on my great idea.  In retrospect I see this as sort of an asshole thing to do.

Since my great idea was based on concepts that I was aware of, but which I didn’t completely understand, I decided to do some research.  I entered the domain of the all-knowing, Google.  I performed the required rituals, and I asked if there was any information regarding what electromagnetic energy was. 

 As it turns out, there’s quite a bit.  And there’s a lot of information, pro and con, about souls as forms of energy too.  Apparently the idea has been around for 100 years or more.
So much for that great idea. 

  Now, instead of thinking about energy, I’m worried about the shape-shifting minions of our Galactic Overlords who mingle among us.  I don’t know for certain, but I’m pretty sure Donald Trump is reptilian.

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