Sunday, 12 November 2017

The Divine Cosmic Randomness of the Universe In Action

November 12, 2017

So, I’m watching high-lights of the Sunday morning news shows, and I have this brain fart:  I could have been one of those people on these kind of shows, except for the Divine Cosmic Randomness of the Universe  (DCRU).   Not as a politician, and certainly not as a journalist.  Big maybe as Director of Constituent  Relations , or some such title, explaining and justifying the policies of my boss, some Congressman.  Back, about 100 years ago, when I a university student, this was one of the infinite possibilities that lay before me. 

I enrolled in university because I didn’t care for any of the jobs I had since finishing  high school.  If I was still going to school, I didn’t need to have a job, except in the summer.  That was fine, until  people, at UW-M, and various members of my family, started asking me about my plans.  The Univ. wanted to me to declare a major field of study, and family members were curious about my career plans.

I hadn’t really given it much thought.  Then, in my junior year I was forced to declare a major.  And thanks to the DCRU, at that time I happened to be in love with Shirley D., who had claimed my virginity.  And who also, it just so happens, was the secretary of the Political Science Dept. at UW-M.  And, as it also so happens, a major in  Poly Sci was suggested as a Pre-Law course.  So, in a single swoop, I had a major, and a career.  Law.

Shirley, as it turns out, didn’t care as much about me as I did about her, and I decided Law, for me, was not so hot either.  But I still looked upon a university education as job-training, not just about learning.  And what sort of job had my political science education trained me for? 

Sometime during my senior year I wrote a letter to our local congressman, Clement J. Zablocki (funny how I should remember that name, when sometimes I forget my own.  Anyway.)
I have no recollection of what I wrote, but I did get a response.  Not from the Congressman, but from some staffer.  Again, I don’t remember much of the response, but I do recall one piece of advice.  “Walk up and down the hallways, and you’ll find a job.” 

Thanks to the DCRU, I never walked those hallways, and therefore I will never be a guest on a Sunday morning news show.  I probably wouldn’t have been very good at it anyway. 

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