Saturday, 11 November 2017

The Ghost in the Chair

I haven’t written in my blog for a month.  I apologize to my loyal, dedicated readers, both of them, for keeping them waiting so long for more of this immortal prose from my metaphorical pen.

I have reasons and excuses, and I was going to rationalize them in a blog note.  This wasn’t the main reason, but I forgot how to turn the blog on.  I could turn it on to read it, but I couldn’t remember how to turn it on to write something.  But that wasn’t the only reason I haven’t blogged. 

Now that I have a following, I am self-conscious about what I write.  I want to write something deep,  thoughtful, cleverly insightful.  But since I am not clever, or insightful, and since I am a mile wide and three inches deep, I strive for mediocrity.   But I always fall short

Earlier this evening, an hour or so ago, I sat down, cranked up the old computer, and I was determined to write a blog posting.  I didn’t know what I would write, but I would try my ass off to make it clever and insightful.  I must digress for a moment to describe my chair.

It’s a chair you’d see in any office.  It has a lever on the side that allows the sitter to sit in an up straight position, or to lean back.  So what?  I’ll tell ya so what!

I was sitting in an upright position, pondering deep insightful, clever thoughts.  I didn't give it much thought, but I expected the chair to remain upright.  However, apparently, the last time the lever was moved from ‘lean back’ to ‘upright’, it wasn’t completely engaged.  And while I was pondering, the chair decided to revert to lean back mode.

 Completely unexpected, it freaked me right out.  It took me this long to calm down.  So no blog tonight.

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