Saturday, 6 May 2017

Political Commentary

Trump is a boil on the ass of America.  He demands attention.  He says, watch me, watch me; and then he makes ridiculous noises and dances around, but doesn’t do anything.  Trump is an annoying, painful distraction, but he is only a symptom of the problem.
The problem is too much money in politics.  The US has the best politicians money can buy, and the politicians run things to please those who bought them.  Running for office is an expensive proposition, which involves raising and spending large amounts of money.  And large amounts of money attract corruption, like carrion attracts vultures.

Corruption is part of the fabric of politics.  Money buys influence.  Money determines policy.  And more and more government policies are being shaped to benefit the oligarchs: tax cuts in exchange for cut backs in (or elimination of ) social programs.   And that is just the context for current affairs.

Both the Dems and the Reps, the liberals and the conservatives, serve their masters, and that’s bad enough.  But for the past 8 years the Reps were committed to not working with Obama, in any way, shape, or form.  And now that they’re in charge, they are determined to erase every trace of Obama’s legacy.  We’ll show that uppity-nigger!

This social stew simmered and bubbled, and finally a twelve-year old with ADD, in the form of an orange hued, bloated, baggy humanoid emerged.   This was an amazing creature.  It is able to move through the environment with its foot in its mouth, and its head up its ass.   And if that isn’t amazing enough, this creature is now President of the US.  Please Note: I have capitalized the title out of respect for the office, not the current inhabitant.

Trump is the boil coming to a head.  It’s getting ready to pop, what’s inside is racism, resentment, hopelessness, anger, us vs them.  It’s been cooking for a long time.  It’ll be interesting to see what happens.  We live in interesting times.  By the way, did you know that “May you live in interesting times” is a Japannese (Chinese?) curse?

We, as a society, find ourselves facing unprecedented problems.  We can unite, and confront them, or we can divide and be overwhelmed.

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Dennis,

    It is my firm belief that you, sir, are a genius.

    Your Beloved Niece,
    Rebecca Katelyn
