Thursday, 1 March 2018


When I have been staring at the TV screen or computer monitor for a while I go into a trance-like state, and I begin to nod off.  Sometimes I shake it off and continue with whatever it was I was doing, more often I take as a signal for a nap.  Reading, sitting or reclining, also triggers the nap response.  But I don’t always wait until I’m beginning to doze off before napping.

I also meditate.  I understand, that if done regularly, meditation is beneficial in many ways.  The thing is, I’m not exactly sure how to meditate, or what’s supposed to happen while I’m meditating.  All I know is that meditating turns into a nap.

I settle myself down, relax, close my eyes, and watch my thoughts flow by like leaves floating down a stream.  And before I know it, I’m having a nap.  Sometimes, instead of not-thinking, I watch my breathing.  I breathe, I’m breathing, I’m being breathed, and then I’m napping.

I’m beginning to see a pattern emerge.  Naptime is steadily and constantly increasing. Currently, I’m awake more than I’m napping, although it’s hard to tell sometimes.  Naptime will at some point catch-up with, then surpass wakefulness.  And finally there will be the Big Nap that marks the end of this phase of reality.

One question: with all this napping, why am I always tired?

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