My current existential problem is aging and worn-out plumbing. Mornings are especially difficult. To begin with, I don’t sleep well, so I’m not well rested when I get out of
bed. Then the day begins with the morning blood-letting ritual.. While this ritual is
being performed, the stomach is trying to decide whether to be nauseous, or
just up-set. And that’s only the morning.
The rest of the day is uncertain. More and more often I think I’m done pissing,
but I’m really not. Unfortunately, I don’t realize
that I wasn’t done until after I put the equipment away. I have yet to shit myself, and I certainly
don’t trust farts.
Sometimes I just want to go back to bed, or lay
on the couch all day. I don’t even want to get
dressed, and go across the street to the coffee shop. But luckily for me, my favorite first grandson
is currently working just down the street from Bar I, and he comes in during his morning
break. And this gives me the incentive
to get moving in the morning, whether I feel like it or not, so I can meet Cole
for coffee. And I have noticed that, no
matter how shitty I feel when I get up, if I get up and get moving, I feel
Fucking aging process! I have accepted it, so why do I have to be constantly reminded of
it? Oh, well.
Just reread what I wrote. Sorry. Hope it doesn’t sound too whiney and
complainy; it’s not meant to be. And
just to show this was supposed to be light-hearted, I offer this:
A skeleton walks into a bar. He says, “I’ll have a beer… and a mop.”
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